This is the official app of the Leipzig University of Technology, Economics and Culture. As a digital study support, the HTWK app bundles a lot of information and services related to studying at the HTWK Leipzig.
The following modules are available in the HTWK app:
• Start page: The most important information at a glance - The top news from HTWK | The current offer of the favorite cafeteria | Title, time and place of the next course from the timetable
• Search: People | Spaces
• News feeds: the latest on studying | University Library | University sports
• Cafeteria: The offer of the respective cafeteria | Selection of the preferred cafeteria for display on the home page
• Services: OPAL | Study Guide | Timetable | Job portal | University Library | Corona information | WLAN | Feedback on the app
• Settings: language of the app | Cafeteria prices
• Imprint | Privacy Policy | Declaration on accessibility.